Student learning and program assessment for nursing programs | Insights for Canvas Outcomes


Learn how to leverage Insights to improve your nursing program’s outcomes and empower student success.

  • Defining your nursing program outcomes and aligning them with the goals and objectives of your program

  • Creating and deploying assessments that measure student performance across courses and programs

  • Collecting data and evidence of student learning, as well as key narratives of faculty engagement in the quality process

  • Insights' ability to manage all of this inside Canvas in an integrated, sustainable model means you have a better understanding of your overall nursing curriculum as well as student readiness for clinicals and the NCLEX. 

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Streamline outcomes assessment for faculty with Insights

2 min read

Streamline outcomes assessment for faculty with Insights

Insights is a user-friendly and efficient solution that enables faculty to assess student learning outcomes and drive continuous improvement in...

Leveraging data lakes in higher education

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Leveraging data lakes in higher education

What is a data lake? A data lake is a centralized repository that allows you to store all your structured and unstructured data at any scale. Unlike...

Strategies to engage faculty in assessing student learning outcomes

7 min read

Strategies to engage faculty in assessing student learning outcomes

Discover practical strategies to engage faculty in student learning outcome assessment to enhance educational quality and improve student success.